True Conspiracies

Have you ever noticed just how much people use the term "conspiracy" with the word "theory?" By joining the two words together, society labels anyone who talks about "conspiracies" as a "Conspiracy Theorist," who is looked upon as a kook, a nut, a wackjob, and paranoid. But what if there really are true conspiracies out there? Can it be there is "Conspiracy Fact" versus "conspiracy theory?"

Well, if you are a Bible Believer, you know very well there are real conspiracies, not only in our world today, but they've existed throughout the entire history of mankind.

The Bible speaks of these conspiracies time and again. In fact the word "conspiracy" appears 10 times in the King James Bible, while the word "conspired" shows up 19 times. In each occasion when one conspires against another, it's never for good. It's always to harm them or even kill them. Someone is out to get you!

With this in mind, welcome to this blog. We hope it gives you some valuable information about the various satanic conspiracies rampant in the world today.

If you came to this site expecting anti-government stuff, then you will be greatly disappointed. This blog isn't interested in physical X-Files-like, black-op, governmental coverups. Instead it seeks to present the many spiritual conspiracies of the devil in trying to deceive the world and bring in his one world kingdom to rule over the souls of men.

Ephesians 6:12 says it best, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

Read on and soak up the valuable information you attain here. But remember to always line up what you learn with the Bible, for there is as much "mis-information" on the net as there is "information," as Satan is a master of deception. You must therefore DISCERN what you read, all through the eyes of a born again Christian, and you must judge all things by the word of God.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Designed to Fail!

There is a vast conspiracy in this day and age in which people either maliciously or subtley have designed things to fail on purpose.  They do not want things to stay the way they are.  They desire "change" and they desire it in their favor.
My father always used to say, "There is no salvation for engineers!"  The reason being is that for the last 50 years my father bought things and they always broke.  Tools, automobiles, computers, and more have all been designed in such a way so they will become obsolete.  This is so you have to buy another one in a few years.  This makes the company richer, as it gets more sales.
Years ago, I met a man who went to school to learn about how to weld.  He told me that in his classes they taught him about certain combinations of metals that would be super strong.  They then taught him that he should NEVER use those combinations, for making something too strong is to put yourself out of business.  They then said, "We must make things that will eventually fall apart.  That way we can get paid to fix them, or to build a new one!"
This is the modern ideal of this age.  Things are designed to fail on purpose. And it's all for monetary gain.
Unfortunately, it's not just T.V.'s, clothes, metal welds, and home products that are designed to fail.  Even the global governments of this world have been designed to fail on purpose!
In the 1960's world leaders met together and formed M.A.D., which stands for "Mutually Assured Destruction."  They set up a system in which if one country destroys another with nuclear weapons, then that country would in turn be destroyed with nuclear weapons.  (What were they thinking?  Sounds like they just want destruction!)
Later, they set up M.A.E.D., or "Mutually Assured Economic Destruction," in which they tied all the world economies together.  If one failed, they would all fail.  And today we are seeing this destruction, as Spain, Greece, and other countries world-wide are beyond bankrupcy and their failing economies must be "bailed out" by other nations, who in turn are struggling, and who will ultimately go bankrupt from helping all the other failing nations.
Yes, not only are products designed to fail, but so are economies, nations, and governments.  But why is this?  Have you ever stopped to ask yourself why?

The Bible gives us the answer clearly.  The reason is because in the last days we read about the anti-Christ taking over the world and ruling for seven years.  He will appear on the scene as the great "Saviour" of the world, claiming only he can solve the world's problems.  But the Bible tells us that it was HE in the first place that created the problems, and HE was behind the planning of designing things to fail!  It was so he could come in after it was all destroyed and take over!
When the anti-christ rules, the scriptures teach that he will set up his own economic system that will enslave the populace of the entire world, and he will "MARK" them like cattle, making them take the mark of the beast.
To buy and sell, a person will have to take the mark, the name, and the number of the beast.  Today, Bible Scholars generally agree that this will consist of taking an RFID microchip, which is injected under a person's skin.  The Bible locates where it will be given:  In the RIGHT HAND, or in the FOREHEAD.  But this too is designed to fail, for in the book of revelation, we find all those who take this mark will get sick.  They will have a "grevious mark" on their bodies and will get something akin to leprosy.  What could this be?  Well, a famous designer of the RFID chip has said that it must be the lithium in the RFID chip that's used as a battery source.  In the human body, lithium can cause skin diseases and sickness.
What is the ultimate end of all things?  In the Bible we find Jesus Christ coming back on a white horse to defeat the anti-christ.  And he'll cast him into Hell.  But we also find that God has planned that to fail as well.  For the Bible teaches that after 1000 years, the devil will be loosed for a season and will deceive many.  Yet, he will not suceed, and will be cast into the Lake of Fire, never to be seen again. 

So the question is, what have you done with Jesus Christ? 

The history of mankind is a history of failure.  Man always messes up and makes things worse.  He must, for he is a sinner.  He has a degenerate nature, and will always err on the side of evil.  Men fail miserably in comparison to the holy standards of a righteous God.
But the only way to get to heaven is to accept Jesus Christ as your Saviour.  You must trust His precious shed blood on Calvary, a work of love done on your behalf to pay for all your sins.  If you trust Him, He will save you, and take you to heaven.  If you do not, then you'll go to Hell when you die!   And this is the greatest failure of all.  It is you failing to avail yourself of what Jesus did for you.  If you reject Jesus, then you make the Devil happy, as it is his design that as many people as possible never hear the gospel and never get saved.  He wants them in Hell with him. 

So the question is, "Will you allow Satan to win by rejecting Jesus Christ, or will you make the Devil the greatest failure, but accepting Jesus' blood atonement for your sins and allowing God to take you to heaven?"  The choice is yours.

Heaven or Hell.  Smoking or Non-Smoking. 

Friday, November 11, 2011

The Interest Conspiracy

I'm only 37 years old.  But as a child I remember the great times that were the eighties during the Reagan years.  To this day I still remember going to the bank with my parents as a kid and seeing on the wall that interest rates on savings accounts were between 17 and 18%.   That was awesome!!!  But they then went down.  And down again, and down even more.  And as the years went on, they went down, down, down. 

 About six or seven years ago, the highest interest rate you could find on a savings account was about 5%.   That still wasn't bad.  But what it is now?  It's somewhere around .010%.   So what happened to make interest rates go down???

Well, some claim it's a CONSPIRACY!

The reason they think so is because there is one man and one institution that decides what interest rates are to be in America.  They actually set those rates.  And that organization is the Federal Reserve, and that man is a guy named Bernake (maybe you've heard of him).

So why would he want to set interest rates instead of allowing a FREE MARKET system to do that for itself?  And why does the FED set the rates so very low?

That's an interesting question, and one that somebody should answer! 

I know if I had the power to set interest rates, I would sure be rich!  For I could do exactly what the FED is doing.  I could make all savings, CDs, bonds, etc. to where they were only yielding about 1% or less.  That would help me keep a lot more of my money.  I would then make mortages and loans at a high percent of interest at 5% or more.   And then I'd set up some Credit Card companies that would charge interest of upwards of 25% to 30%. 

And I would do all of this so that I could get richer and people would get poorer. 

Whoops.  Did I spill the beans already?  Did I tell what they are doing and why?  Sorry.  You weren't supposed to know about that!  That's why they try to keep it all secret. 

If you know the truth, then you know that the Fed is not "Federal."  It is a private corporation.  And somehow it is above reproach, as it never has to show anyone its books, nor does it have to give account to anyone.  Further, it doesn't even have to pay income tax!  Wow! 

And that's not all!  Even it's own employees don't pay income tax!  (See Timothy Geitner for more info about that!)

The Fed sounds like a nice, profitable business.  Where can I buy stock?  (Oh, that's right, I can't.  It's only for a select few of "undisclosed" people who are allowed to own stock in that company.)

So who runs the Fed?  Who owns stock in it?  Who set it up?  Oh, that's right, I'm not supposed to ask, as much of that information is "secret," even the names of those on the Board of Directors are not given to the press.  Hmmmm.  Sounds kinda fishy, doesn't it?

The biggest problem with the FED is that it's not interested in letting the free market system work.  Instead, it wants to "regulate" it.  Why would it want to do this?  Why would you want the power to set the prices of interest rates.  If you loan money, wouldn't you want a free market to set the price of interest?  Or could it be someone wants to MANIPULATE the system in their favor???


At any rate, for whatever reason, there seems to be a real conspiracy against Interest Rates in our country.  How could we go from a saving account interest of 18% down to under 1% in just 30 years.  Why is that?  It sounds fishy to me.  How about you?

Please share your comments below.  Do you think there is a conspiracy to cut people's gains in savings accounts and to raise interest rates on what people owe?  If so, I'd like to hear about it.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Satan's Four-fold Attack

If there is a God, and I most certainly believe there is, then there must also be a Devil.  And if there is a Devil, then he most certainly is against God, and he must be conspiring against God.  So what is the Conspiracy of Satan?  How is it exactly that the Devil works to try to undermine God's power and authority?
The answer to that is very easy to answer, as we find Satan has always worked in the same way throughout history to deceive the masses.  Let's look at his four-fold attack.

1.  Attack on the Scriptures through EDUCATION.

The Devil has always sought to look smart in the eyes of others.  He's always desired to "teach" people his ways.  But rather than speak with authority, as God does, in complete statements of truth, like: "Thus saith the Lord," the Devil rather seeks to teach people through the method of "questioning" everything.  If you look at the scriptures, you find the first thing the Devil ever says is "Yea, hath God said?"  In other words, he questions God and God's words.  He seeks to put doubt into man's head and desires man to think for himself, rather than trust in and obey God's word.  So his way of reaching mankind is with the all so-powerful question of "Why?" 
As we look through history, we find Satan has always been in the education business.  But rather than giving a true education (which is teaching known FACTS like history, science, a trade, etc.), the Devil has chosen PHILOSOPHY.  His followers are not true believers and Bible followers, rather they are revered as "thinkers" who think outside the box.  Yet they can never tell you what "truth" is, as they don't know any truth, claiming it's only "relative." 
The first of Satan's educated idiots were the Greeks, who set up their own schools, eventually gaining much popularity in Alexandria, Egypt.  Their school of thought came from Socrates, and his Socratic method of "questioning all things"  (just as Satan does).  And this school of thought has seeped into all higher education throughout the centuries, eventually even gaining access into Bible Colleges in the late 1700s.  German Rationalism then became the rage, as it "questioned" the miracles of Jesus Christ and the history of the Bible.  Later, Satan got into "scholarship" as he got people to question the authority of the manuscripts behind the King James Bible.  And he chose his minions like Westcott and Hort to choose two perverted manuscripts which constantly attack the diety of Christ, and make their won version of the Greek New Testament. 
Without delved further into this, as this is an entire blog in and of itself, we find the fruit of Satan's education, his line of thinking, and his own line of Bible texts are what have deceived millions who claim to be Christians, leaving them ignorant of what the Bible truly says.  And Satan's attack on God and truth continues today in colleges and universities of higer education, which teach such ridiculous things like evolution, all of which go against God and the Bible. 

2.  Attack on man's Minds through the medium of ENTERTAINMENT. 

All throughout history Satan has worked hard to get people's minds off of the truth and onto fantasy and fiction.  Through books, he's given them myths, and strange tales in place of Bible stories.  He's also sought to entertain man with plays, skits, parades, and festivals.  And who can forget the many gladiator games in ancient Rome in which people by the thousands would come to see in droves.  Sports became one of the Devil's main ways to keep men occupied and get their eyes on things that don't matter rather than on God.  Nowadays, he has baseball, football, basketball, hockey, car racing, horse racing, dog racing, etc.  And has even gotten men to learn how to wager on the outcome of such frovolity. 
Then Satan learned he could also use the silver screen, and he began to produce movies by the thousands, in which he could fill people's minds with violence, witchcraft, sorcery, and even the occult.  Books like Harry Potter, the DaVinci code, and others were all well used by him to endoctrinate people into his system of hierarchy and to occultic practices.  Through movies like Rosemary's Baby, and The Omen, he prepared people for the antichrist.  And, through the Internet and live online video he is now even prepearing people for the mark of the beast.
Satan's desire is to do all he can to get man's mind off of God and on entertainment, and his job is to control that entertainment to teach what he wants taught to others.

3.  Attack on Man's morals through EMASCULATION.

The Webster's 1828 dictionary defines emasculation as:  "The act of depriving a male of the parts which characterize the sex; castration.   The act of depriving of vigor or strength; effeminacy; unmanly weakness."
All throughout history, Satan has attacked the gender roles that God set up.   It was God, the Creator who made male and female, and he gave them different roles, different characteristics, and different responsibilities.  Satan, however, hates God's set-up has been active for thousands of years in trying to pervert men's morals.  Through fornication he allowed men to fulfill the lusts of their flesh, rather than uniting with one spouse for life through God's plan of Holy Matrimony.
Satan further has always had his own pagan religion that stressed fornication as a means to worship him.  He also has always had his homosexual agenda of turning men into women and women into men.  All throughout history and the Bible, we find Satan's followers worshipping idols in groves, and practicing homosexual acts.  In ancient Greece it was so bad that even pedophilia was practiced with all the rights of the law.  Rome also succumbed to fleshly sins, and practiced orgies, both sexes fulfilling their ungodly lusts on each other. 
Satan today desires the same.  He want's man to be as carnal as possible, wholly given over to the lusts of the flesh, rather than a spiritual being who lives for God.

4.  Attack through ERADICATION of all things that are holy, righteous, and just.

Finally, Satan is not just happy attacking God through education, through entertainment, and through emasculation, but he also hates and despises God so much, he wants to eradicate all things good and all things of God.  The Webster's 1868 dictionary defines ERADICATION as: "The act of plucking up by the roots; extirpation; excision; total destruction."
Throughout the ages Satan has been busy trying to DESTROY the things of God, and he's done it many different ways.  First, he attempted to rewrite the history books and take God and his people out completely.  Even today he's active doing the same, omitting the triumps of the Jews in history, and forgetting the horrible persecutions and mass slaughter of true Christians like the Waldensens in the middle ages.  As he is already in the "education" business, this means it's easy for him to manipulate and cover up the facts of history as he pleases.
Next, Satan enjoys politics, and loves to gain political control over the masses.  You can bet that Satan would be active in the governments of this world, especially since the Bible calls him the god of this world.  And as he has done before, so too does he now use governments to pass laws against God. 
Just look at the United States of America today for an example.  It is now illegal to pray in secular schools, to read the Bible, and to even post the 10 commandments on school property! 

Yep, there is a great conspiracy against the world, and it's lead by Satan.  His ultimate goal is the damn the souls of man so they will suffer with him in eternal torment.  But you don't have to be sucked in.  Jesus Christ, GOD MANIFEST IN THE FLESH, died for the sins of mankind, shedding his blood for the forgiveness of their sins.  He then rose again the third day with power over death and hell.  Satan thought he'd won when he killed Jesus, but he was proven wrong.  And the Bible tells us that the Devil will some day be cast into the lake of fire!   What a great day that will be.  But until then, he is still active in the world today, trying to deceive people through education, entertainment, emasculation, and eradication. 

I only hope and pray that you'll not be taken in by the devices of the Devil, and that you'll see through his conspiracy of attacking the things of God.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Conspiracy Against the Gospel

There is a conspiracy of her prophets in the midst thereof, like a roaring lion ravening the prey; they have devoured souls; they have taken the treasure and precious things; they have made her many widows in the midst thereof.  (Ezek. 22:25)

Here the word of God tells us that there was a “conspiracy” amidst the prophets, in which they had “devoured” souls and taken “treasure” and “precious” things, even stealing from “widows.
This is an Old Testament verse which speaks of the Prophets of old, who were not true prophets of God, rather false prophets, interested only in financial gain rather than truth and the things of God.
But think about this today.  We can certainly spiritually apply this verse to Preachers in our age, and if we do, we don’t lack finding those today who also are only in it for the money.  They are false teachers who the Bible says in 2 Peter 2:1-3, “…privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.  And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.  And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.
They are unsaved religious leaders using the name of God and the things of God to make a living off of others, i.e. financial gain.
It’s almost like there is a “conspiracy” in our day by certain religious leaders who desire only to lead people astray into heresy in order to line their pockets, rather than to instruct them in the way of righteousness and life eternal.
What else does the Bible say of these “conspirators” who do not preach the Gospel correctly, rather they devour and damn souls to hell with their pernicious ways? 
Well, in 2 Peter 2:17-19, we read of them, “These are wells without water, clouds that are carried with a tempest; to whom the mist of darkness is reserved for ever.  For when they speak great swelling words of vanity, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, through much wantonness, those that were clean escaped from them who live in error.  While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage.
Here we are told that these evil sanctimonious spiritual bastards might be able to give good speeches, but they are nothing more than the basest, most vile and ungodly men who have ever lived, completely given over to wickedness.  They are in bondage to it.  Maybe this explains why men like Jimmy Swaggart can sound good while they preach, but then are out in the hotels with hookers in the evening. 
The Bible further states of these false prophets that they desire not only fame and money, but to “deceive.”  Jesus said in Matthew 24:11-12, “And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.  And because the iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
In other words, their wickedness leads them not only to hate and despise others, but to be cold towards them as well, as their only goal is to deceive others into following them rather than following God.
With this in mind, does the Bible tells us any more about their “conspiracy” against God and the truth?  It most certainly does, and there is not greater type of these lying pseudo-religious leaders who are interested in misleading others than the Pharisees of old.  We see that in Jesus time, they conspired against him and his teaching as well. 
Matthew 12:14 is a good example.  We read: “Then the Pharisees went out, and held a council against him, how they might destroy him.
The same people who killed Jesus and who claimed to be the very priests of the living God, were those vary same ones who sought to destroy Jesus Christ.  The very one they claimed to be waiting for (their Messiah) was the very one they turned against and had crucified!
In our day it’s much the same.  There are many who have turned against God, and are even conspiring against him.  Certainly, in this world today there exists a great conspiracy against God and the Bible.  Colleges are a prime example, in which many professors brag upon being “atheists” or “evolutionists” and the first thing they do is try to talk their students out of a believe in a supreme being, making fun of creation and the existence of a creator.  They conspire together to try to bring in a world without God.
(One must ask why?  And the answer is from the verses we have just seen.  To believe in God is to believe he will judge us all someday, and anyone who is a “servant to corruption” and “full of sin” doesn’t wish to think about giving account to God one day for their sins.  So it’s just easier to deny that he exists, and this appeases their conscience to go out and sin even the more.  Especially if they are professors who are looking to “score” on young students in their classes!)
So not only is their a conspiracy afoot against God in the secular world, but there is also a conspiracy by religious leaders themselves against God’s teachings and way of salvation.  What is this conspiracy exactly?  The answer is it is to downgrade the efficacy of the blood atonement of Jesus Christ, and to exalt man and his own works as a means to obtain forgiveness of sins and entrance into heaven.  In other words it takes the focus off of Jesus Christ, his payment for man’s sins, and his deity, and it makes the man try to become God himself, making his way to heaven on his own without God.
This conspiracy is plainly seen in the New Testament by those Jewish religious leaders who tried to enter into churches and lead people astray from the true Gospel of Christ.  In Galatians, a book which was written to warn us of people like this, we read of Paul’s warning: “And that because of false brethren unawares brought in, who came in privily to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage:  To whom we gave place by subjection, no, not for an hour; that the truth of the gospel might continue with you.” (Gal. 2:4-5)
Here the Apostle Paul tells us of “false brethren” (i.e. false religious leaders who are unsaved) who came into the Christian circles with one goal in mind, to put them in BONDAGE as they sought to undermine THE TRUTH OF THE GOSPEL.
We, then, see clearly the conspiracy and the conspirators.  They are those who enter into Christians circles who are not true Christians, and they work to undermine the true Gospel of Jesus Christ, while they try to make their own converts to themselves or to their own heresies, making them their “subjects.” 
With this in mind, we much then look at the true Gospel of Jesus Christ, in order to compare it with what the Conspirators are preaching.  It is in 1 Cor. 15:1-4 that we find the true gospel:

1  Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
2  By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
3  For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
4  And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

Right away we see that the Gospel is all about Jesus!  It’s all what he did for man in dying in their place for their sins!  But that’s not all he did.  He rose again from the dead (something no man can ever do), and now he sits on his throne in heaven waiting for people to come to him alone for the forgiveness of sins.
Now contrast this with the Conspirators who conspire against God.  They don’t want people to come to Jesus and his shed blood alone for salvation, so they divert people to other avenues.  For example, the following are common things people say nowadays in instructing people to “get saved:”

Just make your commitment to Jesus
Commit your life to God
Ask Jesus to come into your life
Beg God to forgive you of your sins
Ask Jesus into your heart
Turn over a new leave and give your heart to God

Notice how all of these have one thing in common:  They all instruct the sinner to DO something, rather than simply accept by faith what Jesus has already DONE for the sinner!
The true Gospel is believing in what Jesus did.  It salvation by faith without works!  It is believing in what Jesus did for you.  It’s TRUSTING in his finished work, and not trying to get to heaven by any of your own works. 
Be careful of the Satanic “Conspiracy” against the word of God and against the Gospel.  For if you accept the conspiracy, you will not be saved.  You cannot get to heaven by anything you do.  You must trust in what Jesus did for you.  For the only thing that you can do that is not a work is believe.
The Bible is careful to speak about Jesus Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection as a blood atonement.  In the Old Testament, we see Jesus in type as the sacrifice for the sins of mankind in the many animal sacrifices which were demanded for sin in the Old testament law.  In the old days, they sacrifeid a lamb for their sins.  But Jesus was THE LAMB OF GOD who sacrificed himself for the sins of mankind.
And in the Bible we read that there is no salvation without blood atonement.  Heb. 9:22 says it best, “And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission.
God demands blood for sin.  And someone or something must shed it’s blood for forgiveness.  When Jesus came, thankfully, he was the one sacrifice forever for sin, shedding his own blood for the sins of the world.  And now, the Bible instructs us to accept by faith his blood atonement as sufficient to cleanse us of our sins and take us to heaven.  That’s salvation in a nutshell!
It is no wonder, then that in Romans 3:24-26 we read:

Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God; To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus.

These verses tell us that redemption (or salvation) is only in Christ Jesus and it’s through FAITH IN HIS shed BLOOD!  And when a person trusts that blood shed on his behalf for his sins, then he is made just and righteous in the eyes of God!  It’s all about what Jesus did.
How different this is from what’s taught today by many religious leaders who all try to get to heaven while bypassing the blood of Jesus.  Truly there is a conspiracy, but why does it always leave out the blood?
Could it be that it is more than just false religious leaders preaching for money or power or recognition?  Or could it be something more sinister?  Could it be a “SATANIC CONSPIRACY” against the blood of Christ?
I declare unto you that this is exactly what it is.  The scriptures are very clear that in the last days there will be mass deception.  And the Bible tells us it is because of demonic influence upon many.  Just look at Paul said would happen in 1 Tim. 4:1-2:

Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;  Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron.

Here we are told of seducing spirits (demons) who have their own doctrines who make people depart from the faith!  These are devils who hate the blood of Christ Jesus and who are continually trying to divert people’s attention from it. 
Sadly, they will get many to turn towards them and away from God, for in 2 Thes. 2:10-13, we read of many who will not be saved:

And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.  And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:  That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

These are those who allowed themselves to be seduced by demons and deluded in their minds to follow pleasure rather than following the truth.  In fact, the verse says they didn’t even love the truth, and that’s why they are damned.  They didn’t care about what was right, only what would make them happy.  They are victims of the conspiracy.
With all this said, the question then must be presented to you, “Are you a part of the conspiracy, a victim of the conspiracy, or someone who is against the conspiracy, doing all you can to preach against it?
For as our opening verse proves, souls hang in the balance.  There are people who are going to heaven and those going to hell.  Sadly, there are more hell-bound then heaven-bound, all because the conspiracy is working, and it deceiving people, turning them from the truth of the Gospel.
I’ll close with the words of the Apostle Paul who also saw the conspiracy in his age.  In speaking to those in Corinth in 2 Cor. 11:3, he states, “But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Scriptures on the New World Order

Many today are starting to wake up to the fact that there is a global conspiracy to take over the world.  More simply put, a conspiracy to unite the world under a one world governmental system, in which the elite rule over the masses.  This cannot be denied.  And those who are behind the push to build this system are no longer hiding along the sidelines.  They are coming out more and more speaking of their "New World Order" (to be read with an echo voice to sound more scary, and how they desire the nations to come together into one planetary nation without borders.  But is this just a modern idea?  Is this just something that several years ago someone thought up?  Of course not.  This was prophecied in the Bible thousands of years ago that this would happen.

Today we have many scoffers (2 Peter 3:3), which try to tell us the Bible is outdated and untrue.  But it has held up time and again being right on in its prophecy.  It prophecied of the captivity of the Jews in Babylon, and that happened, it prophecied of Jesus Christ's birth and death, and it came to pass, and it prophecied of the nation of Israel being reborn, and that happened in 1948.  So why wouldn't the Bible be true in its prophecy of a Satanic New World Order, in which the Anti-Christ rules and reigns for seven years?

(Note:  The Bible teaches that the rapture will come first.  Then the anti-Christ will rule for seven years.  Then Jesus Christ will return at the battle of armageddon and destroy his enemies, and he will sit on his throne in Jerusalem for 1000 years in a time known as the millenium, after which he will destroy the earth and make a new heavens and a new earth).

With this in mind, let's look at some prophecies in the Bible about the last days, and the New World Order, so you can see for yourself if they come to pass.

First, let’s start with the words of Jesus in Matthew 24:

3  And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?
4  And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.
5  For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
6  And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
7  For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
8  All these are the beginning of sorrows.

Here Jesus says there will be many “Christs” and “wars” and rumors of “wars,” but all that is not the end.  We further read that nations will rise against nations, and there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.  HAVE YOU WATCHED THE NEWS LATELY?  All this is right on with what is happening today.

We are told by the apostle Peter what the last days will be like in 1 Peter 3:

1  This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
4  Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
5  Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
6  For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,
7  Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

This is exactly like our world today, full of wickedness and wicked people, and it appears our news media never gives us the whole story, never giving us the truth about anything.

Certainly we are in these last days.  But they are not only days of wickedness in the world, but also in the Church.  For the scriptures speak of a time of apostasy or a falling away from the beliefs once rooted and grounded in the word of God, and it is toward the end of this apostasy that the Anti-Christ comes.  We read this in 2 Thessalonians 2:

3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
4  Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.
5  Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?
6  And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.
7  For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.
8  And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:
9  Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
10  And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
11  And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
12  That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

These verses speak of the Wicked one (the anti-Christ) who is revealed in his time, or at the time at the end of the Church age (right after the rapture).  It also speaks of how he comes; with many miracles, signs, and lying wonders.  And it tells us the fate of those who follow him, they are damned because they have pleasure in unrighteousness, and because they believe a lie instead of the truth.

So what else does the Bible say about the end times and the Satanic "New World Order?"  Well, that's a good question!  For the Bible not only tells us that it will come to pass, but it also tells us how it will end.
We read the following verses about what the New World Global government will want to do:
8 In that day shall the LORD defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and he that is feeble among them at that day shall be as David; and the house of David shall be as God, as the angel of the LORD before them.
9  And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.  (Zach. 12:8,9)

Here the Bible tells us that this Globalist Government's goal is to destroy Israel.  In our day we are already seeing global hatred towards the Jews and the nation of Israel.  And it can only get worse, for the Bible prophesies in many more verses of how the world as a whole will come together under the Anti-Christ and attack the nation of Israel.

And we further read in the Bible that they will prevail and take Jerusalem, but they won't hold it for long.  The Bible teaches that the Anti-Christ will reign in Jerusalem but will only be able to rule there for 3 1/2 years.  And after this we are given the glorious ending to the Anti-Christ's reign and the global New World Order.  

Read with me from the following verse:
Therefore wait ye upon me, saith the LORD, until the day that I rise up to the prey: for my determination is to gather the nations, that I may assemble the kingdoms, to pour upon them mine indignation, even all my fierce anger: for all the earth shall be devoured with the fire of my jealousy.  (Zephaniah 3:8).

This verse tells us that the LORD himself will pour out his anger and indignation against this WORLD ORDER and He will devor them who are on the side of the Anti-Christ.  But notice also how the verse is worded.  God says that it was He himself who "assembles" the kingdoms or nations together.  It is He who "gathers" them.  That means that even though they thought they were taking over the world, it was only because God let them do it, and He allowed them to do so for one reason and one reason only, SO HE COULD DESTROY THEM!!!

God is so smart he let's his enemies do whatever they want while he knows that their ultimate devilish plans will get them all in one place at one time so He can then just go and mop them all up at once! What an awesome God!

So where's this leave you?  Well, if you're a Christian, you don't need to worry about it.  You'll be going at the rapture and you won't have to worry about taking Satan's MARK OF THE BEAST in the tribulation under his globalist New World Order Regime.  But if you aren't saved, you've got problems!  The Bible says that in the tribulation period, of seven years after the rapture, the world will be in deep doo-doo.  There will be plagues, famines, earthquakes, wars, and suffering on a level world-wide unlike anything the world's ever seen or known.  They'll even be a meteor hit the earth that will cause world-wide anomalies, causing the seas to turn to blood.  In short, it will be probably the worst time in human history! 

So you have a choice.  Either get saved and get out, or remain lost and go through the seven judgments, seven plagues, seven vials, etc., spoken of in the book of Revelation.  And then get destroyed by God at the battle of Armageddon.  The choice is yours.

I'm only writing to tell you that there is indeed a conspiracy (even though so many "scoffers" say it's not so).  Satan is still active in conspiring against God, against Christianity, and against you.  He wants to set up his own Satanic Global Kingdom not for your benefit but for his own.  And he is working hard today in putting all the pieces in place to bring about his plan for world domnination. 

I pray you not be ignorant of this conspiracy.  And I pray you will read the Bible even the more with this in mind. 

We live in strange, yet excited times.  We are watching the end come near and we are seeing the final pieces of the puzzle put in place.  Sadly, the image is terrifying.  But there is hope!  However, it's not found in the United Nations, it's only found in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

My books now available online

If you are interested in reading some good literature, please go my bookstore, found at:

My works are available there for purchase through  

In these last days truly there is a great conspiracy by Satan to attack and undermine God's word. 

He has destroyed society and cheapened Marriage, while he continually undermines the Gospel of Jesus Christ, using his minions to preach a perverted gospel in its place.  He further seeks to attack God's people and make them look crazy for trying to trying to live a holy, separated life.

My books attempt to present and stand for good, sound, Biblical doctrine amidst a day and age of apostasy, in which Satan is attacking on all sides.  His hates the BLOOD, the BOOK, and the BLESSED HOPE of Christ's soon return.  Thus, he has waged war on all three of these.  It's not a conspiracy theory.  It's a conspiracy truth.   Satan is continually active conspiring to destroy the things of God.

I hope the books I've written will be a blessing to you.  All of my works are available online at my website to read for free at

However, I've recently updated them all and they are available in book form to anyone who wishes to purchase them to read them in book form. 

I pray they might enlighten you to the truth and free you from darkness, as they point out the great CONSPIRACY of Satan to deceive the world.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Conspiracy to Destroy America?

They say that the only thing men never learn from history is that men never learn from history.  This is so very true.  For if you read history, you find that it goes in circles.  Things happen over and over again just as they did before.  This is why it's so very important to study the past, so you can make sure you don't make the same mistakes as those who lived before you.
However, when it comes to our country of the United States of America, I have to wonder if what's happening is really all by "accident."  For it appears that our g'vment is doing the same failed policies that have never worked in the past.  Over and over again they do the same thing, and it only makes the economy worse, weakens the dollar, and sinks the country deeper in deep.
It's almost like, um, well, like there's a CONSPIRACY out there to destroy the USA on purpose!
"No," you say, "That couldn't be!
Really?  But couldn't it?
In 1776, the very same year that our great nation declared it's liberty from England, a man named Edward Gibbon published a book entitled, "The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire."
In his book, Mr. Gibbon gave the five main reasons for the downfall of Rome.  They are as follows, and as you read them, just think to yourself whether or not they correspond to what's happening in America today:

1.  The dignity and sanctity of the home was undermined.
2.  There was a great increase in taxes in order to pay for the many social programs the g'vment participated in.
3.  The people loved entertainment, especially the most violent sports.
4.  There was a great buildup of the military for protection, yet it was in a different country, and it did not defend it's own nation.
5.  Religion apostasized as it became more tradition than bible teaching, giving rise to formality rather than spirituality.

Does any of these sound a little like what's happened today?  Any at all?
I think it does.  And I belive that our leaders of today know better.  Yet they allow things to get worse rather than better, never desiring to fix things. 

Like one famous man said, "Nothing today happens on accident.  It's all been planned well in advance."
Could it be that someone has planned the destruction of the United States of America, and has ON PURPORSE gone about destroying the home, religion, the economy, the borders, etc.?

I'm not saying yeah or nay.  I'm sure you're smart enough to decide that for yourself. 

But the Bible is very clear that there is indeed a spiritual conspiracy against the souls of men, in which Satan desires men to become so decadent that they care not for the things of God.  He further seeks to use politics to bring about his own New World Order, in which he will govern for 7 years and demand all men to take the mark of the Beast. 

As we look at what's happening in the United States of America, a country that has doubled its debt in only a few years and is almost to the point of bankrupcy, we can clearly see Satan as work. 

The only hope for America is Jesus.  Even so come Lord Jesus!

Monday, May 23, 2011

The Conspiracy against Israel

In the Bible, God's chosen people are the Jews.  I'm sure you know the story from Sunday School.  God chose a man named Abraham, and called him out of his own nation to a city of his own (Jerusalem).  Abraham then had a son named Isaac, and then he had a son named Jacob.  God changed Jacob's name to Israel, and then made a mighty nation out of his sons, the twelve tribes of Israel.
As you read the Bible, however, you find that as there is a protagonist, there is always an antagonist.  God chose them, and this angered Satan, who filled with rage desired to attack the beloved of God.  The Devil hates God's people.  And as you study history, you see how Satan wrought tirelessly to war against the Jews and their nation time and again. 
All throughout the history of mankind, he has never given up his attack upon the Jews.  First, the Devil attacked them in Egypt, and put them under bondage there for 400 years.  Afterwards, God chose Moses to led them to freedom, and to their own country.  But even then Satan used his mixed multitude to turn the people from God to idols, as they worshipped a golden calf.
After Israel became a nation, the Devil persisted his attacks with the invasion of the Egyptians and later the Babylonions.  This lead to Israel losing the land that God had promised them, and leaving them a displaced people, wandering the world alone.  You'd think this would be enough.  But no, Satan did not stop there.  His hatred only grew, and he followed them throughout the ends of the earth, persuading governments to persecute the Jews to the extreme.
Nations like Spain in the 1400s expelled the Jews, and countries like Germany exterminated in horrible holocausts like that under Hitler in the 1940's. 
But then in 1948 something happened.  Israel became a nation again, just as God prophecied they would.  And there they are today back in their God-given homeland.  But don't think for a minute that Satan has given up.  No!  Instead, we find the Devil even more enraged, as he's engaged in using the same tactics he has always employeed to try to erradicate Israel.  But this time he's going to use every nation at his disposal to try to erase the Jews from off the face of the earth. 
And, as we look at today's headlines, we see the Devil doing just that.  Not only is he using intimidation techniques, but he's also using "Politics!"   He has politicians working hard to try to make Israel give in to political pressure and to "give up her borders" to a pre-1967 state.  We also see an orchestrated attempt to bring about days of rage in Muslim countries to overthrow existing pro-Israel governments, and in their place set up anti-Israel organizations like Hamas.  One by one Israel's neighbors have fallen, and are joining with those who hate Israel and share the desire to see her annihilation. 
Egypt has fallen.  So has Syria and others.  Riots are in the streets, but they are not revolutions for freedom, as the press desires us to think, rather anti-Israel rallies in which people chant in the streets for the death of the Israeli people.
Iran is actively praising the destruction of Israel, as they try to secure nuclear weapons in which they seek to use to destroy the Jewish nation.  And who can forget the president of Iran and how many times he's prayed to his God while in the United Nations assembly, asking him to destroy Israel?
And, even in this the once great nation of ours, the the United States of America we see a great insurgency in anti-semitism, and those who cry against Israel while desiring a Palestinian state.   


But that can't be, right?  Well, if you believe the Bible, it can be, and it is.  The fact is there is a Satanic Conspiracy against Israel.  There always has been, and there always will be.  The Devil is a master at turning his minions against the people of God.  And he is busy doing the same thing today (not just against Jews, but also against Christians as well).  Even the United Nations is involved, wanting Israel to give up land to a new Palestinian state.  However, this would leave Israel completely defenseless, and unable to defend her homeland.  Still, they persist that she give up and give in and do what they say knowing full well it will weaker her state and her vulnerable to attack.

But even though the whole world might be against Israel, God is not.  In fact, he's written in his holy word that he will defend Israel and defeat her enemies when he returns at the battle of Armageddon.  

So which side are you on?  The side of the Conspirators, or on the side of God's Chosen people.

Friday, April 29, 2011


I seems like everyone in the world today is against something rather than for something. It's sad, but it appears people have been taught to be hostile rather than hospitable. And, instead of standing for something, the world as a whole is focused on tearing things down. (The "order out of Chaos" doctrine).
You don't have to look far to see all the movements against things. You have your:
Anti-Victorian Morales
Anti-Free Market
And more.
They all are adamantly against something or someone and seek to destroy it or them.
If you are a Bible-believer, you know why this is.  The Bible clearly tells us that in the last days this will happen.  In 1 Tim. 3:1-4 we read:
1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
This is exactly the world in which we live, where people care more about themselves than they do about others.  Maybe this is why they are so "ANTI" everything, because they want people to be rebellious like they are, instead of trying to live good moral lives.
The Bible further tells us we are in an age of apostasy, in which people have turned away from the truth, and it further states that very soon, after the rapture, the "ANTI-Christ" will come on the scene and rule for seven years. 
Maybe there is so much anti in the world today because people are just simply preparing for their leader, who is ANTI-Christ Jesus. 
At any rate, it's strange how many people are against things instead of for things.  And if you do find them for anything, it's usually something the Bible is very clearly against.  Sound like a conspiracy to you???  It does to me!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

He Who Has the Money has the Power

The old saying is, "If you want to know who's really in charge, follow the money trail!"

This is so very true!  For all throughout history we find that those who have the power have the money and those who have the money have the power.  And these powerful, rich people use their positions and assests to enslave the populace under their thumb. 

In the Bible, you find those who enslaved the people were the religious leaders (like the Pharisees and Saducees) that although they looked pious on the outside, they were wicked, and used their power and money to control the masses for their own profit.

Today people are starting to ask, "How on earth could this world get in the mess it's in?  Who's to blame?"

It can't be denied that the world is in a mess.  With the "Mutually Assured Destruction" doctrine and the "Mutually Assured Economic Destruction," which came on the scene in the 1960's, we see a plan being set up in which if one nation falls, then all nations will.

How could this happen?  Why would anyone set up a system like this?  Well, follow the money trail.  Where does it lead.  Who's getting rich on all of this?  Where does it all lead?

The answer is not as complicated as you think.  And, it leads to a lot of investigation, of which if you'll do, you'll come to the conclusion that the following are responsible for trying to lead the world into a One World Government with a One World Economy:

* The New Age Movement
* The Masons
* The Rosicrucians
* The Illuminati
* The Builderbergers
* International Bankers
* Wall Street Bankers and Corporations
* The Skull and Bones Society
* The Rothschilds

And more.

Whether or not these groups all work together is subject to debate.  This blog does not seek to look at the physical conspiracy of these groups.  Instead, we will look at the spiritual conspiracy.

If there is a God, then there is a Devil.  And if there's a Devil, then we would be very naive to think that he is not active in the world today.  The fact is he is very active working towards setting up himself a kingdom. 

In the Bible, we find in the book of Revelation that the anti-Christ will be allowed to rule for seven years in a time called the Tribulation, which begins after the rapture of the Church.  And during this time the Devil will be allowed to do whatever he wants on this earth.  However, the Bible tells us that his reign will be violently ended with Jesus Christ coming at the battle of Armageddon.  Afterwards, Jesus will rule and reign for 1000 years upon this earth.

Now, with this knowledge, it's easy to look at the world today and see the leaders all working toward the same goal:  A GLOBAL ECONOMIC GOVERNMENT.

And as you look at the headlines, you can't help but see groups like the "International Monetary Fund" and "The United Nations" working together for that goal.  You also see things like the "International Criminal Court" in Rome gaining power.

What is the purpose of this GLOBAL governance with a One World currency?  Well, there's really no other explanation than the Bible one, for the goal of these rich and powerful is to eventually put computer chips in people's right hands or foreheads!  (What Christians call the Mark of the Beast).

So, we clearly see a great spiritual conspiracy for a one world kingdom in which Satan himself will be the leader (dictator). It's coming soon. 

Monday, February 21, 2011

Slavery through Economic means

In the King James Bible, we find a wealth of truth.  God's word if full of wisdom, and if you read it, you can't help but learn from it.  Sadly, many people don't read the Bible.  For if they did, they might see some things.  Like one smart person once said, "The only thing men learn from history is that men never learn from history."  How true.

The Bible is a book of History. It tells us about what happened in the world from the Creation up until today.  It even prophesizes, or tells us what will happen in the future.  It is an amazing book!

As we look through the Bible we find the topic of "slavery," or those who conspire to put others under bondage to them.  And slavery has happened time and again throughout history.

Today we think of slavery as a horrible thing.  But since the beginning of time, there have been slaves.  It has even been allowed in the Bible. 

When we think of slavery today, we usually only think of having "black" servants, like those in bondage in America before the Civil War. 

But this isn't what slavery was in the Bible.  As a matter of fact, it quite often wasn't blacks who were slaves.  It was often times white people (as in Rome and Greece) and even Semitic people.

In the Bible we read of the Jews being in bondage to Israel for 400 years.  They were slaves to the Egyptians.  They were forced to serve against their will and their bondage was grevious as they built huge Egyptian monuments out of brick, often times being beaten and whipped for not working fast enough.  They were slaves to their black masters and could not break free.

Thankfully, God sent a man named Moses to Pharoah and used him to liberate his people.  Moses through signs and wonders showed Pharoah that God was on his side and that Pharoah should, "Let my people Go!"
Pharoah did not want to do so, and as we read the story in the book of Exodus, we find Pharoah's hardened heart not wanting to let God's people go.  We then see him trying to get Israel to compromise four times in the following ways:

1. Exod. 8:25-26 Pharoah commands them to stay in Egypt, but allows them to sacrifice to their God.

2. Exod. 8:28 Pharoah allows them to leave Egypt, but they are forbidden to go far away.

3. Exod. 10:7-10 Pharoah tells them to go, but commands them to leave their children behind.

4. Exod. 10:24 Pharoah tells them to go, but to leave their possessions with him.

Notice through this story what a slave-driving Master wants.   He desires complete control of his subjects.  If he can't get it, he'll compromise a little, like Pharoah compromising to let Israel sacrifice to their God (No. 1 above).  But he still won't let them go.  If he must let them go, he doesn't want them to go far (No. 2 above).  It's because he wants to keep them close, so he can try to put them in bondage again.
If they do break off his chains of bondage, he doesn't want them to take their children with him (No. 3 above).  For those he knows they will stay and serve him as their fathers did, for its easier to enslave children than adults.
But if somehow the slaves are able to free themselves, the Master does not want them to go with anything of value.  Thus, they must pay him for their freedom (No. 4 above).

Do you see how it works?  Here we have a four fold way to enslave people.  It is to:

1.  Get them to leave their God.
2.  Make it where they cannot travel far away.
3.  Get control of their children.
4.  Take everything they have away from them.

This is the easiest way to enslave a populace.  Get them in a situation where they can't do what they want, and they have to do what they are told.  Or, as we look at in our present day, we see it as the following manner so common in our land:  force a person into the situtation where he has to work seven days a week (making him not be able to go to church), at a job close to home (because it's too expensive to drive too far to work) but that doesn't pay much, so a person must work harder to make a living to pay taxes (which are so high they can barely afford to pay them), while they let their children go to secular schools (where they are talked out of their belief in God).

Conspiracy?  NO!  That couldn't be a conspiracy, could it?

On top of that, the best way to enslave someone is to get them to think they need a Credit Card and that they need to use it to buy whatever they want whenever they want.  And then, they'll be in debt and have to work even harder to pay the high interest rates that the Credit Card companies rise at their whim! 

No conspiracy here, right?  Right?  Hello?  Is this thing on?  Anybody there?  Hello?

Well, as we read the Bible, we find it's more than just a History book which gives us lessons from the past to teach us about the future, but it is also a practical book with much truth to teach us how to live our daily lives.  In Prov. 22:7 we read, "The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender."

Do you realize what that's saying?  It says that you are a SLAVE (servant) to the person you own money to.  And if you are poor, then the rich man rules you! 

I'm sure Dave Ramsey would agree with this statement.  And as he always quotes from the scripture: "Owe a debt to no man!"  For if you are in debt, you are enslaved.

So, How does this apply to our topic of "slavery" and the conspiracy to enslave others?

I'm glad you asked!

According to the Bible, there is a New World Order which will soon come into fruition in which the anti-christ will rule for seven years.  During that time, a person will be forced to take the Mark of the Beast, or else he will not be able to buy or sell.  It is nothing short of ECONOMIC SLAVERY, where you either submit or die (the Bible says refusal will lead to being beheaded!).

As Pharoah of old sought to enslave the Jews, the new Pharoah will do the same.  He is after your belief in God, your freedom, your children, and your possessions.  And whether you know it or not, he is getting them.

Your freedoms are quickly being erroded away by crooked politicans which are passing laws to unite the world through global means.  National sovereignty will soon be a thing of the pass.  You will no longer be a citizen of your state or country, rather a global citizen who can and will be judged by an international criminal court in Rome.  No longer will you be allowed to serve the God of the Bible, but you must instead serve the new One World Religion, in which you must reverance and worship Gaia or Mother Earth.  You'll no longer be allowed to travel freely as you please, but you must submit to governmental regulations.  And your children will not be allowed to be taught by you, but rather will be given to the state which will endoctrinate them at their will.

Doesn't that sound like a great system? 

Whether you like it or not, it's coming.  It's 1984.  It's a "Brave New World."  It's Plato's "Republic."  It's "Atlas Shrugged."  And a whole lot more.

And how will the Devil gain control?  Easy.  Through economic means.  In fact, he's already doing it internationally.

You see, the conspiracy is to get you so far in debt you have no way out but to look to the government, who will eventually come in as your "Saviour" and say, "Well, if you'll just take the mark, we'll forgive your debt!"  Wow!  See how that makes them look like the hero?

But how will the governments of this world willingly give up their power and it over to a one-world leader?  It's like this.  Just like when you don't pay your bills, you are liable for what you owe, so are the governments of the world with their debts.  International banks have lent money to governments and expect to be paid back.  Since most world governments are financial bankrupt, the banks will choose assests over cash, and will be happy to take over the world's property as payment.

And you?  What will happen to you?  Why not ask Marx or Lenin?  They planned it a long time ago.  They said you wouldn't be allowed to own private property anyway, so you'll just have to become a citizen of the New Global State and do as you are told.  If you wish to eat, then you have to take the mark, otherwise you will be put to death.  It's economic slavery at its finest.

You might say, "Well, I'm not in debt, so I'll never be a slave to the New World Order!"  Really?  I didn't tell you the rest of the story.  You see they are already at work setting things in motion where you will have no choice but surrender.  They are raise taxes and devaluating your currency, taking more and more of what you have (your possessions).  Through inflation what you might have saved up is worth less every day.  And truthfully, it's not even "money."  It's only a financial "note."  So, as the world financial system daily falls deeper into an economic abyss, you're "notes" of paper will soon only be worth nothing more than toilet paper.  And you will be forced to comply or die in the new global financial order.  You will either take the mark or you will starve.  The choice is yours.

But you don't have to.  You see the Bible says you can get out before all that happens.  The Bible teaches that Jesus Christ will return at the rapture to take out all of his own, before the anti-Christ reigns.  So how about it?  Are you saved?  If not why not? 

Don't be a SLAVE to the New World Order when you can be a SERVANT of Jesus Christ.  If you aren't saved, why not trust the blood of Jesus Christ today?  Jesus Saves!  The world Enslaves!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Conspiracy to Rule the World

It's no secret men have always wanted to rule the world.  As we read the Bible, we find the first who tried to set up his own world kingdom was none other than NIMROD, in the land of Shinar (Babylon). The Bible calls him a "mighty hunter," and according to his geneology, he was the 13th from Adam.  (Hmmm.  13.  Not a good number, is it?)

Although the Bible has very little more to say about him, secular history gives us much more information.  In fact, as we study the history of religions and idols, we find that all idol worship begins in BABYLON, and all goes back to Nimrod and his wife Semiramus and their son TAMMUZ or TAMMUS.  (For more on this get a book entitled, "THE TWO BABYLONS" by Alexander Hislop.  It is an awesome book!)

As we look at the Bible even more we find all the main kings of all the main kingdoms throughout history, each one trying to dominate world power.  We have the Eygyptians, the Babylonians, the Assyrians, the Greeks, the Romans, etc.  How strange the Bible foretold of them all.

And, how strange as we read the scriptures and study about the end times and find mention of the "Anti-christ" who is profecied to take over and rule the world.  We also find him connected with Babylon all over again, as in the book of Revelation, we find mention of MYSTERY BABYLON, the mother of harlots and abominations.  Could there be a correlation?

Looking at history as well as the current political systems worldwide, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see there is a conspiracy once again to "rule the world."  It is called the global NEW WORLD ORDER, and unless you are blind, you can't help but see it coming into fruition right before your eyes.  All governements throughout the earth are on the verge of collapse and can't continue much longer.  That's why they are all talking about global currency and global governence.

But the question must be asked:  "Is global government good or bad?"  If you don't believe in the Bible, then a global government sounds like a great thing!  I mean the sooner the world unites the better, then we can start building space ships and traveling to colonize new worlds like Star Trek and Star Wars.  Wouldn't that be great?

But if you are a Bible Believer, you can't help but see the nefarious side of the New Global Order.  It is not to get the world together in freedom and joy.  Instead it is a satanic plan to enslave mankind and make them sell their souls to the devil by receiving the Mark of the Beast.

The Bible foretold us thousands of years ago that this would happen.  And have you ever thought about how only in our life time have we see things come into being that can only be described as "Biblical?"

We now have "chips" being injected into the skins of people in which they can be tracked by satellite.  We now have devices that spread information throughout the world at lightening speed.  We now have strange natural phenomenon happing globally like earthquakes, birds fallind dead from the skys and fish dying in masses in the seas and tsunamis taking place in strange places. 

All these things and more were prophecied by Jesus and his apostles.  Still, men will not believe.

But what if, what if, the Bible were true?  What if the new world order being created today was not for good rather for evil.  And, what if those behind setting up a new global order were doing so only with the goal in mind of then turning it over to Satan himself?  Wouldn't that be a little scary?

If you believe in the Bible, you can come to no other conclusion.  But there is hope.  The Bible speaks of the "rapture" in which Jesus comes and takes out his redeemed ones before the Devil is allowed to rule for seven years.  That means if you are saved, you won't have to worry about the New World Order.  So the question is:  "Are you saved and know it?"

There is a new world order coming.  In fact, it's already here.  But it's in its infancy.  It's not a question of whether or not it is a conspiracy.  It is!  The question is, "Are you ready?"

You'll either trust Jesus as your Saviour and go at the rapture, or you'll be left behind and have to face a choice:  Take the of the Beast in order to buy and sell or Reject it and die of starvation.  Which will you choose?