If there is a God, and I most certainly believe there is, then there must also be a Devil. And if there is a Devil, then he most certainly is against God, and he must be conspiring against God. So what is the Conspiracy of Satan? How is it exactly that the Devil works to try to undermine God's power and authority?
The answer to that is very easy to answer, as we find Satan has always worked in the same way throughout history to deceive the masses. Let's look at his four-fold attack.
1. Attack on the Scriptures through EDUCATION.
The Devil has always sought to look smart in the eyes of others. He's always desired to "teach" people his ways. But rather than speak with authority, as God does, in complete statements of truth, like: "Thus saith the Lord," the Devil rather seeks to teach people through the method of "questioning" everything. If you look at the scriptures, you find the first thing the Devil ever says is "Yea, hath God said?" In other words, he questions God and God's words. He seeks to put doubt into man's head and desires man to think for himself, rather than trust in and obey God's word. So his way of reaching mankind is with the all so-powerful question of "Why?"
As we look through history, we find Satan has always been in the education business. But rather than giving a true education (which is teaching known FACTS like history, science, a trade, etc.), the Devil has chosen PHILOSOPHY. His followers are not true believers and Bible followers, rather they are revered as "thinkers" who think outside the box. Yet they can never tell you what "truth" is, as they don't know any truth, claiming it's only "relative."
The first of Satan's educated idiots were the Greeks, who set up their own schools, eventually gaining much popularity in Alexandria, Egypt. Their school of thought came from Socrates, and his Socratic method of "questioning all things" (just as Satan does). And this school of thought has seeped into all higher education throughout the centuries, eventually even gaining access into Bible Colleges in the late 1700s. German Rationalism then became the rage, as it "questioned" the miracles of Jesus Christ and the history of the Bible. Later, Satan got into "scholarship" as he got people to question the authority of the manuscripts behind the King James Bible. And he chose his minions like Westcott and Hort to choose two perverted manuscripts which constantly attack the diety of Christ, and make their won version of the Greek New Testament.
Without delved further into this, as this is an entire blog in and of itself, we find the fruit of Satan's education, his line of thinking, and his own line of Bible texts are what have deceived millions who claim to be Christians, leaving them ignorant of what the Bible truly says. And Satan's attack on God and truth continues today in colleges and universities of higer education, which teach such ridiculous things like evolution, all of which go against God and the Bible.
2. Attack on man's Minds through the medium of ENTERTAINMENT.
All throughout history Satan has worked hard to get people's minds off of the truth and onto fantasy and fiction. Through books, he's given them myths, and strange tales in place of Bible stories. He's also sought to entertain man with plays, skits, parades, and festivals. And who can forget the many gladiator games in ancient Rome in which people by the thousands would come to see in droves. Sports became one of the Devil's main ways to keep men occupied and get their eyes on things that don't matter rather than on God. Nowadays, he has baseball, football, basketball, hockey, car racing, horse racing, dog racing, etc. And has even gotten men to learn how to wager on the outcome of such frovolity.
Then Satan learned he could also use the silver screen, and he began to produce movies by the thousands, in which he could fill people's minds with violence, witchcraft, sorcery, and even the occult. Books like Harry Potter, the DaVinci code, and others were all well used by him to endoctrinate people into his system of hierarchy and to occultic practices. Through movies like Rosemary's Baby, and The Omen, he prepared people for the antichrist. And, through the Internet and live online video he is now even prepearing people for the mark of the beast.
Satan's desire is to do all he can to get man's mind off of God and on entertainment, and his job is to control that entertainment to teach what he wants taught to others.
3. Attack on Man's morals through EMASCULATION.
The Webster's 1828 dictionary defines emasculation as: "The act of depriving a male of the parts which characterize the sex; castration. The act of depriving of vigor or strength; effeminacy; unmanly weakness."
All throughout history, Satan has attacked the gender roles that God set up. It was God, the Creator who made male and female, and he gave them different roles, different characteristics, and different responsibilities. Satan, however, hates God's set-up has been active for thousands of years in trying to pervert men's morals. Through fornication he allowed men to fulfill the lusts of their flesh, rather than uniting with one spouse for life through God's plan of Holy Matrimony.
Satan further has always had his own pagan religion that stressed fornication as a means to worship him. He also has always had his homosexual agenda of turning men into women and women into men. All throughout history and the Bible, we find Satan's followers worshipping idols in groves, and practicing homosexual acts. In ancient Greece it was so bad that even pedophilia was practiced with all the rights of the law. Rome also succumbed to fleshly sins, and practiced orgies, both sexes fulfilling their ungodly lusts on each other.
Satan today desires the same. He want's man to be as carnal as possible, wholly given over to the lusts of the flesh, rather than a spiritual being who lives for God.
4. Attack through ERADICATION of all things that are holy, righteous, and just.
Finally, Satan is not just happy attacking God through education, through entertainment, and through emasculation, but he also hates and despises God so much, he wants to eradicate all things good and all things of God. The Webster's 1868 dictionary defines ERADICATION as: "The act of plucking up by the roots; extirpation; excision; total destruction."
Throughout the ages Satan has been busy trying to DESTROY the things of God, and he's done it many different ways. First, he attempted to rewrite the history books and take God and his people out completely. Even today he's active doing the same, omitting the triumps of the Jews in history, and forgetting the horrible persecutions and mass slaughter of true Christians like the Waldensens in the middle ages. As he is already in the "education" business, this means it's easy for him to manipulate and cover up the facts of history as he pleases.
Next, Satan enjoys politics, and loves to gain political control over the masses. You can bet that Satan would be active in the governments of this world, especially since the Bible calls him the god of this world. And as he has done before, so too does he now use governments to pass laws against God.
Just look at the United States of America today for an example. It is now illegal to pray in secular schools, to read the Bible, and to even post the 10 commandments on school property!
Yep, there is a great conspiracy against the world, and it's lead by Satan. His ultimate goal is the damn the souls of man so they will suffer with him in eternal torment. But you don't have to be sucked in. Jesus Christ, GOD MANIFEST IN THE FLESH, died for the sins of mankind, shedding his blood for the forgiveness of their sins. He then rose again the third day with power over death and hell. Satan thought he'd won when he killed Jesus, but he was proven wrong. And the Bible tells us that the Devil will some day be cast into the lake of fire! What a great day that will be. But until then, he is still active in the world today, trying to deceive people through education, entertainment, emasculation, and eradication.
I only hope and pray that you'll not be taken in by the devices of the Devil, and that you'll see through his conspiracy of attacking the things of God.