True Conspiracies

Have you ever noticed just how much people use the term "conspiracy" with the word "theory?" By joining the two words together, society labels anyone who talks about "conspiracies" as a "Conspiracy Theorist," who is looked upon as a kook, a nut, a wackjob, and paranoid. But what if there really are true conspiracies out there? Can it be there is "Conspiracy Fact" versus "conspiracy theory?"

Well, if you are a Bible Believer, you know very well there are real conspiracies, not only in our world today, but they've existed throughout the entire history of mankind.

The Bible speaks of these conspiracies time and again. In fact the word "conspiracy" appears 10 times in the King James Bible, while the word "conspired" shows up 19 times. In each occasion when one conspires against another, it's never for good. It's always to harm them or even kill them. Someone is out to get you!

With this in mind, welcome to this blog. We hope it gives you some valuable information about the various satanic conspiracies rampant in the world today.

If you came to this site expecting anti-government stuff, then you will be greatly disappointed. This blog isn't interested in physical X-Files-like, black-op, governmental coverups. Instead it seeks to present the many spiritual conspiracies of the devil in trying to deceive the world and bring in his one world kingdom to rule over the souls of men.

Ephesians 6:12 says it best, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

Read on and soak up the valuable information you attain here. But remember to always line up what you learn with the Bible, for there is as much "mis-information" on the net as there is "information," as Satan is a master of deception. You must therefore DISCERN what you read, all through the eyes of a born again Christian, and you must judge all things by the word of God.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


If you know your Bible, you know that the history of the world is the history of wicked aggressors trying to make captives out of the righteous.  This has happened time and again all throughout history.  The reason is not so much a physical one as it is a spiritual one.  For we find in the scriptures that God has his own chosen people.  Yet Satan too has his own hordes, minions, and covens, which he uses as his tools to infiltrate, corrupt, overthrow, and eventually destroy the people of God. It is the ultimate battle of good and evil, played out on the planetary chess board of Earth, in which mankind are the pawns.
The Bible further tells us that even though in this present evil world the unrighteous often prosper, in the world to come they will not.  For they will be judged, and condemned to a lake of fire!
But this postponed judgment does not discourage those minions of the Dark One from attempting to enjoy the here and now.  Being the simple minded fools they are, who never muse upon the reprecussion of their actions, they follow their rebellious leader Lucifer, and give in to their basest desires, making them nothing more than depraved zombies, seeking their next thrill or fix, in order to satiate their inordinate desires.  This makes them selfish, and desirous of ill-gotten gain.  Hence, they oppress the righteous even more, while becoming more wicked themselves.
There can be no doubt that we are living in the last days.  The Scriptures plainly tells us that there will be a great lack of love, an increase in senuality and sinfulness, and a waxing cold in the hearts of men.  These are the times in which we live.  And hatred breeds in the caldron of the human heart.  Race, gender, nationality, and political ideals divide men and pit them against one another.  The war of Satan on mankind has already begun.  We've seen it in the "Arab Spring" and the many revolutions, and civil wars in the middle east.  Death, rape, murder, hatred, war, are become more common, and the more people endure them, the more they become accustomed to such transgressions.  Thus, the more they will propogate.  (Monkey See, Monkey Do!)
But aside from the indiviudal oppression towards the righteous by modern devilish man, we find a unified system emerging which seeks to utterly subjugate mankind, and enslave them to a wicked, Satanic government run society which will give mankind no liberty but the right to choose to obey or die.  This is the emerging New World Order, Satan's World Order, in which he will reign supreme for seven years in a time the Bible calls the "Tribulation".  During which, all those who do no take the mark of the beast shall not be able to buy or sell.  
The following video below does well to describe how this emerging order will come to pass.  It's certainly worth a watch, as everything Satan needs to take over the world and subdue it to his own power is already in place.  All that's needed is a catastrophe, a "trigger effect" which will make the world no only enslaved to Satan's power, but will leave mankind begging for the mark of the beast.
But it's not all doom and gloom.  Nay, the Bible tells us that Satan will never win.  In fact, God will cut short his reign, and the Lord Jesus Christ shall return on a white horse at the battle of Armageddon and will utterly smash the devil and his legions!  Oh what a glorious day that will be.  But until it comes, you need to be prepared, and know what is coming soon.